Definitely leaving NomadBsd

Ok but why the partition where the pkg go is only 3gb and it is already full?

I don’t know the reasons for your case. I used Balena Etcher from Windows 11 to create the live USB with ZFS format and the entire disk was used (Philips 64GB). See the bottom of the next screenshoot:

Free space: 53,8 GiB

Ok is not a problem about /home/username but the system partition (where pkg for example go) its 3.9gb and is already full…

Hello @Naxil
What is the path for that pkg? My ZFS system have this folder tree:

Under /dev there is not a /label/nomadroot folder as you say on (Dev label nomadroot full!).

Maybe you have to change from UFS to ZFS as @mk1 recommend you.

After i reboot i can install mesa-devel but glxgears say error double buffer