Dev label nomadroot full!

Hello finally i get bsd workz! Thanks to nomad!
I know is a live distro… but why pkg go to little partition and i have 50gb empty!

Here my df -h

How to free some space? I find some thread about that but command not work here (probably old solution)

Nomad 14.0-release-p4

Also i have stck1a32wfc intel stick and on linux itnworks with mesa and vaapi 915 (now iam on scbf)
On other distro i have aleays ee couldfind module and xrandr with could open video… but on nomad all works… but with scbf and video is very slow

Hi @Naxil,

Packages are installed to /usr/local, and the package database is at /var/db/pkg. Both directories point to the /data partition. Did you store any files directly under /?

If possible, could you please describe exactly what you did after the initial setup, e.g. which packages you installed? This way, I could try to reproduce your problem.

What does the command pciconf -lv | grep -B3 display output?

Now iam at “school” when i comeback to home i post all the command and the partition section

df -h
If u look here dev/label/nomadroot is already full! Why?

pciconf -lv | grep -B3 display

I have disable initgfx autosetup on boot or nomad not boot, now i use scbf and system works but not very fast

Now i havent copy file on / just install sudo and 1 or 2 package…
Also rtwn0 (my wifi usb) need to be config with ifconfig or networkmanager not see it

Filesystem              Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/label/nomaddata     53G    759M     48G     2%    /data

It’s far from full. 48G of 53G are free :slight_smile:

The drm-kmod driver supports your IGPU, but for some reason it fails.

I just checked the size of / partition of a fresh image. It is estimated too low, so that’s why it is overfull. This is however nothing to be concerned about.

wasn’t it configured via /etc/rc.conf (grep rtwn /etc/rc.conf)?

/dev/label/nomadroot 3,7G 3,5G -180M 105% /

But this why is full? Audio not inizialized because that partition is full…
I can do something about gpu driver?

As I already explained, the size of /dev/label/nomadroot was estimated too low, but it’s nothing to be concerned about. It will be fixed in the upcoming UFS image. If it still bugs you, you can instead use the ZFS image which is not affected.

What do you mean by “not initialized”? What did you do, and what outcome did you expect? What was the actual result?
What is the output of cat /dev/sndstat and sysctl hw.snd.default_unit?

First, we need to isolate the problem. Boot with initgfx auto-detection enabled. After it failed, post the output of dmesg and cat /var/log/Xorg.* here (via

Sysctl hw.snd.default_unit say -1 (i need to change to 1)?

At start i get an error about mixer not found

Volumecontrol say mixer: mixer_open: (null): No error: 0

dmesg have this error pid 3324 (firefox), uid 1001 inumber 358219 on /: filesystem full

is possible move some root filesystem directory to empty space and link it (like other thread solution?) i have fear the system can’t update the root filesystem and some hw can’t load properly (or not?)

now drm_info works! i have installed another drm package (probably now it works)

glx not works…
drm info say Node: /dev/dri/card0
├───Driver: i915 (Intel Graphics) version 1.6.0 (20201103)
any chance to get hw accelleration?

Section “Device”
Identifier “Card0”
Driver “scfb”

so its’ not load intel gpu drivers but scbf

cat /dev/sndstat
No devices installed.
No devices installed from userspace.

look if i try to use pulseaudio (on linux works)

nomad@NomadBSD /b/kernel> pulseaudio
W: [(null)] caps.c: Normally all extra capabilities would be dropped now, but that's impossible because PulseAudio was built without capabilities support.

/: write failed, filesystem is full
E: [(null)] core-util.c: Failed to create secure directory (/var/run/user/1001/pulse): No space left on device
nomad@NomadBSD /b/kernel [1]> sudo pulseaudio
W: [(null)] main.c: Questo programma non è pensato per essere eseguito come root (a meno di specificare --system).
W: [(null)] module-detect.c: failed to detect any sound hardware.
E: [(null)] module.c: Failed to load module "module-detect" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
W: [(null)] cli-command.c: stat('/usr/local/etc/pulse/'): No such file or directory

^C⏎                                                                                                                                                                                                                  nomad@NomadBSD /b/kernel> sudo pulseaudio --system
W: [(null)] main.c: In esecuzione in modalità sistema, ma --disallow-exit non impostato.
W: [(null)] main.c: In esecuzione in modalità sistema, ma --disallow-module-loading non impostato.
N: [(null)] main.c: In esecuzione in modalità sistema, disabilitata in modo forzato la modalità SHM.
N: [(null)] main.c: In esecuzione in modalità sistema, disabilitato in modo forzato il tempo di uscita per inattività.
W: [(null)] main.c: La directory home dell'utente «pulse» non è «/var/local/run/pulse», ignorato.
W: [(null)] caps.c: Normally all extra capabilities would be dropped now, but that's impossible because PulseAudio was built without capabilities support.
E: [(null)] core-util.c: Failed to create secure directory (/var/local/lib/pulse): Permission denied
nomad@NomadBSD /b/kernel [1]> 

E: [(null)] core-util.c: Failed to create secure directory (/var/run/user/1001/pulse): No space left on device

THAT’s the problem with no space on root ? say no space left on device!

i think i do another little victory…
i have disable the auto video config and i choice intel and now i can change resolution ecc but glxgears give me a error about doublebuffer… drm_info works now! sound not … and bluetooth not…

here the xorg log

the package i have installed for use “intel” is drm-kmod-20220907_1

ah my intel penstick have sound via the videocard igpu via hdmi-1 now i have use snd_driver=yes for load all driver… but not sound at all…

And glxgears say :error double buffer