WiFi Authentication does not work (ThinkPad Intel Wireless 7260, RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI)

Hi, I just booted NomaBSD for the first time, and it looks awesome. It also comes with the most needed programs pre-installed. I want to use it to replace my Linux USBs for working on host machines during holidays and traveling.
Unfortunately, I cannot connect with my WiFi network. It works with FreeBSD on the same machine. Strangely, I can see the WiFi networks, but after choosing it, I’m asked for the password, but the connection fails to authenticate.
This laptop is an elderly ThinkPad (~2015) with Intel Wireless 7260 and RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI.
Any ideas?
Best, Robert

That is the same problem I had with my Wifi, HP laptop (~2020) CPU Ryzen 5-3550H, I don´t know what wireless card it has, but just like you I could see my Wifi networks 5GHz and 2GHz and I am pretty sure I entered the right password, I tried in both networks and I got the message connection fails to authenticate.

After rebooting the 5GHz network has disappeared and now NomadBSD141R only detects the 2GHz network, when I pick it I no longer get a prompt for the password, I tried disabling Wifi and enabling it and restarting networking, using the GUI, but I did not manage to make Wifi work.

You can see the name and details of your network card by asking:

pciconf -lv | grep -A 1 -B 3 "network"

If you card is relatively new, the driver may not yet be able to recognise all its features well.