Upgrading from NomadBSD 1.3.1 to 1.3.2

I have NomadBSD 1.3.1 installed on the HDD of a office desktop and on my home laptop SSD. Is possible to upgrade to the 1.3.2 version without reinstalling the OS ?

You have to reinstall it. We once started to write a nomadbsd-update, which basically works, but is not complete, and there are no files on the server the script would need to do its job. Implementing a good, reliable update system is a complicated task, and since NomadBSD is a live system in the first place, the effort is not justifiable. Also we lack the manpower. But it’s worth to think about taking the menu driven merge code from nomadbsd-update to build a script that helps users to merge their old configuration files with the new ones after a reinstallation.

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this defeats the purpose of having nomadbsd as a OS and not just an OS for simple boot only things.

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