UFS or ZFS and why?

What should I choose to try Nomad?
I know it’s the chat question but couldn’t contact you on IRC (empty channel) nor on X (no group found).

Try both, but I suggest ZFS. It’s a more modern filesystem with a bright future. Ubuntu Linux supports ZFS but not UFS, for instance. This is on top of the various technical benefits, such as journaling and better ( in my opinion ) error checking. Other filesystems only show if the disk is failing but ZFS will detect binary bit file errors.

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then with ZFS you can revert back to previous working situation when in trouble after a package upgrade (this is a weakness of NomadBSD). ZFS allows the boot environment separation.

Updating FreeBSD With ZFS Boot Environments (beadm) | The FreeBSD Forums

For internal storage, UFS is only suitable if your computer is very low on memory. Otherwise, use ZFS.

Hmm, contrarian voice required here :smile:
@rav don’t drag your feet with that choice, the important part is to jump in and start learning.
@mario good suggestion, UFS2 can have journaling, but disk failing is shown by SMART tools, with any luck before impact on file system.
@mauro WIBNI upgrades were so reliable we wouldn’t need beadm (which is no substitute for backup and a recovery system like an usbkey :slight_smile: )
@vladas nowadays I have the impression that low on memory means having less than 32GB RAM

My 0,02€ : I’d rather not have /tmp on ZFS because it is copy on write (if you use ZFS on a high I/O ramdisk you will experience why this is not a good thing) and I can always reinstall faulty programs.
I do want ZFS to be able to detect errors in files, but the beauty is not in the detecting but in the redundancy and automatic repair. Otherwise you will need to restore the file upon detection. You do run zpool scrub and you do have a backup :crazy_face: do you?
TLDR my desktop systemdisk UFS (UFS2) my data ZFS. Partial backup on tarsnap based on a datapolicy : FB user no backup, bank user full /home, regular user mail dir and Documents folder.

Sorry for being imprecise. Citing “Requirements”:

1G of RAM (2G for the ZFS version) should be able to run NomadBSD decently.

Did you miss the fact that ZFS does not only check on write, but also immediately makes a copy of each checked entry? That way, backup, RAID become redundant for ZFS, and even unnecessary on desktop computers. Moreover, you can set one or more instant copies to be made. A fairly comprehensive explanation of ZFS has already been published even in the encyclopedia.