Hi, I have test NomadBSD last version on my laptop. Two things not working : wifi (expected, card not support by freebsd (yet)) and touchpad.
I was hoping that the touchpad might work with iichid (which seems configure in Nomad) since it’s a I2C HID device.
Any clue where I could dig further ?
Trying to use iichid for i2c trackpad FreeBSD forums
Synaptics Touchpad FreeBSD Wiki entry
Reddit Synaptics Touchpad for FreeBSD 13.1 Vermaden response
Manual Wifi Connection setup for Edimax EW-7811un RTL8192cu chipset
PCI RTL8188ce Realtek wifi manual connection setup
Reply back what you get working for the Lenovo S340 Touchpad. BSD-Hardware.info website look up Lenovo S340