Too bad, so sad

I’m perusing the forums after a couple months away. What do I see? Unanswered questions in the help section from way back in 2022. Too bad. This was a great idea and it worked pretty well, with the usual hickups. Just not enough interest in FreeBSD to make it worthwhile for the devs, I guess. Wish I were a little more knowledgeable, so I could help.

I have been using NomadBSD for a year now, this week and I still like it, but I use it on a laptop, not on a usb drive. There are still things that aren’t working correctly, but nothing that really irks me.

Too bad, so sad. Wish the devs were keeping up with it, but, alas, we all have to make a living.

Personally, I prefer a lighter O/S, but am keeping track of Nomad, because it works well. I help on the forums, if I can, but I’m mainly Linux, with some experience of using BSD.

My main O/S is Devuan/XFCE, even that is more than I used to install… :wink:
Tiny Core Linux is another one that I really like, small & efficient. :slight_smile:

I might make the same observation about the help area for any operating system.

13.1 was a milestone. there’s a reasonable amount of activity …

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I guess you’re right. github page shows a little attention. It would be nice if the devs would occasionally respond on the forum, though, just to let people who are not developers know they are not on their own and provide a little help where needed.

I’m also back on NomadBSD because of a working Wi-Fi device. Now I installed it on my laptop and use it for all daily tasks. Everything works pretty well.

I understand your post, but NomadBSD is based on FreeBSD. Most of my issues and questions could be answered and solved in the FreeBSD forum and, of course, in the very good and comprehensive handbook.

Nevertheless, a NomadBSD forum is important and should be supported and followed by the devs.

People have day jobs & families, this project is created by very few devs, & as has been said, most info needed is available from the FreeBSD people, as that is basically what this is, just packaged up very nicely… :wink:

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They might also be preoccupied with building and distributing the operating system and not have “all day” to do unpaid tech support for the software they are providing at no charge. Fish takes time, man. :wink:

:pinching_hand: Cut 'em some slack, man :ok_hand:

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