Share Your Desktop

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Here goes mine:


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I leave some clean funds for whoever wants to use them! :wink:


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I LOVE this purity :heart_eyes:


My Lumina experiments

It’s incredibly fast, with a small footprint on system’s resources, but require some attempts to reach a good tuning.
Have you tried it?

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Kyou Kai <3

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Firefox now have tabs with rounded corners. So i have customized the task buttons of the tint panel to a homogenous appearance. i did:

sudo nano /home/nomad/.config/tint2/tin2rc

I changed under background two, three and four “rounded = 3” to “rounded = 6”

For reloading the tint2 panel I put in the Terminal: killall -SIGUSR1 tint2

So here is the resault:

the theme of firefox is “Firefox B”

Well, I like bright desktops.

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Often I will put a picture of my present interest as background, for a short while, but then I usually go back to plain ol’ black or very dark blue… :upside_down_face:


my first steps into the unknown world of bsd


I am curious — what the command brings that report?
Unknown command: neofetch for me. :frowning:

Hi Vladas. You can find neofetch in the ports. As you can see at the top of the terminal, it is installed with pkg.

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Done, thanx Simon!

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Desktop in portrait : I was tired of having certain webpages with 1/3 blank, 1/3 tekst and 1/3 blank. Will we ever get to the point where rotating your screen IRL is picked up by all software automatically?

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Heloo :raised_hand::slightly_smiling_face:


Nice and welcome !!!
