RStudio does not work

Hello to everyone, I have installed NomaBSD. I installed RStuido but could not run it. When I try to run it, it gives the following error;

bedo@NomadBSD$ rstudio
QEGLPlatformContext: Failed to create context: 3009

(<unknown>:75366): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:38:22.384: Tema aygıtı module_path "murrine" içinde bulunamadı,

(<unknown>:75366): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:38:22.386: Tema aygıtı module_path "murrine" içinde bulunamadı,

(<unknown>:75366): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:38:22.388: Tema aygıtı module_path "murrine" içinde bulunamadı,
WebEngineContext used before QtWebEngine::initialize() or OpenGL context creation failed.
Use of deprecated not thread-safe setter, use setUrlRequestInterceptor instead.
Use of deprecated not thread-safe setter, use setUrlRequestInterceptor instead.
QEGLPlatformContext: Failed to create context: 3009
Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>(), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 0, swapBehavior QSurfaceFormat::DefaultSwapBehavior, swapInterval 1, colorSpace QSurfaceFormat::DefaultColorSpace, profile QSurfaceFormat::NoProfile)
Abort trap

What can I do about it. I would love to use FreeBSD as my desktop system.
Best regards…

I solved the problem. The reason why X GLX module could not be loaded. The problem was solved after reinstalling the xorg-server package and restarting the x service. Thanks…

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