Old NomadBSD w/ Openbox: Potential manual work needed after quarterly pkg-upgrade

(On one ol’ 'puter) This quarterly pkg-upgrade moved python from 3.9 to 3.11 - but (as usual) not every py-package got upgraded: py3xx-xdg didn’t - and NomadBSD needs it to be in sync w/ python.

This command should optimally return empty-handed:

> pkg prime-list | grep py39

If you (like me) got the result:


You should do the following:

> sudo pkg remove py39-xdg
> sudo pkg install py311-xdg

If the first command returned other packages than xdg, you should look into updating them too :wink:


And with such an old NomadBSD (w Openbox) you could consider researching if the lock on certain packages is still necessary…

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