NomadBSD 130R-20221x0x - Perfect install on a usb key

Hi all Nomads.
Here just an how-to for a perfect usb key with NomadBSD (end november 22)

  • please note that all info here were info picked on the forum -
    (special 10x for grahamperrin, Vladas)
    NOMAD BSD fresh install on a travel USB Key
    (all followed commands … as root)

  • boot & configure

  • reboot (init 6)

  • Gain space on partition / (note: data is the encrypted partition)
    (this first step is mandatory - Do it after first reboot as root)

	# cp -ri /uzip /data/
	# mv -i /uzip /uzip.original
	# ln -s /data/uzip /uzip

	# reboot

	# rm -rd /uzip.orginal
  • update current kernel (NomadBSD view)
	# freebsd-update fetch
	# freebsd-update install
	# init 6 (reboot)

  • update to most recent kernel (FreeBSD view) & all userland inside
	# freebsd-update upgrade -r 13.1-RELEASE
	# freebsd-update install

	# reboot (init 6)

	# freebsd-update install

	# pkg upgrade
	(note e2fsck will certainly break your pkg system)

		* if "problematic file /sbin/e2fsck"
			* List all pkg locked (check if e2fsck --> unlock)
			# pkg lock -l
			# pkg unlock e2fsprogs
			# pkg delete e2fsprogs
			# pkg install e2fsprogs-nobootfsck

			# reboot

			* If black screen - with mouse only (one python pkg is certainly missing)
				# pkg install py39-xdg (check version)
  • other pkg : dsbmc, dsbmc-cli (to get automount disk )
			# pkg install  dsbmc dsbmc-cli
  • VirtualBox : vitualbox-ose + virtualbox-ose-additions
 # pkg install vitualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-additions (will add drag'n'drop from host to guest)
		* /boot/loader.conf
			# vboxdrv_load="YES"
		* /etc/rc.conf
			# vboxnet_enable="YES"
			# vboxguest_enable="YES"
			# vboxservice_enable="YES"
		# pw groupmod vboxusers -m nomad
  • Install linux browser (do it yourself) - If git not installed : pkg install git
	# mkdir tmp
	# cd tmp
	# git clone
	# cd linux-browser-installer
	# su
	# ./linux-browser-installer install vivaldi (choose also : brave or chromium)

Start from here. I have no issue to watch video on Prime or Netflix (with linux browser).

Start from here. I have no issue to start Steam inside my Win10 Vbox.

Next : Add screenshots.