NomadBSD 130R-20210508 released

We are pleased to present the release of NomadBSD 130R-20210508.

Changes since 1.4

  • We’ve decided to change the versioning scheme to the following form:
    FFfX-YYYYMMDD, where FF is the major two-digit FreeBSD version,
    f is the minor version, and X stands for ALPHA (A), BETA (B), RC
    or RELEASE (R). Followed by a date.
    The new scheme allows us to provide images with different version of
  • The base system has been changed to FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE.
  • The partition alignment has been changed to 1M to improve the write
    speed on flash drives.
  • A bug where GLX is disabled has been fixed.
  • Drivers for VMware have been added.