FreeBSD 13

Will Nomad be ready for Freebsd 13 in March? And will we able to upgrade with octopkg?

Hi @Raymond_Sickler,

we will release NomadBSD 1.4 this week (I hope) which is base on FreeBSD 12.2-p3, so March is a bit too early for us. But we will switch to 13 as soon as possible.

Regarding your second question: If you installed NomadBSD to a HDD you can upgrade it like any other FreeBSD installation via freebsd-update, followed by pkg upgrade -f. Note, however, that some of the NomadBSD tools wonā€™t run anymore after the upgrade due to the ABI change.

That didnā€™t work. Must be upgrade from source. Will I have to re-install my system to get 12.2 p3?

If you want NomadBSD 1.4, you will have to reinstall it as we donā€™t have an upgrade system. But the FreeBSD base system can be upgraded via:

% sudo freebsd-update fetch
% sudo freebsd-update install

That doesnā€™t work. I get a list of packages that will be upgraged and then the word end in the terminal. Are there any switches to include?

Thats okā€¦ I went back to GhostBSD. Keep trying though. Youā€™ll figure it out.

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You just have to press ā€œqā€ to continue - itā€™s just a scroll-able list :slight_smile:
and youā€™ll have to do it more than once.

Thatā€™s standard FreeBSD procedure - NOT anything the NomadBSD guys have gotten wrongā€¦ (they are very friendly and capable as you already have found out :+1:)

[friendly teasing] Hopefully you will figure it out (by trying again) :wink: :slight_smile: [/friendly teasing]


Thank you for you nice words, @ludensen. :blush:

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You are welcome :slight_smile:
In my short time on this forum, I have read your very knowledgeable, kind and patient answers to not so kindly formulated questions (not thinking of this one, @Raymond_Sickler :wink: )
Sir, you have my respect! I would propably have ā€œventedā€ trying to answer some of those, but you guys didnā€™t :+1:


I find this topic very interesting because I have never been able to get my video, mouse, or sound to work with any of the GhostBSD isoā€™s and I have tried them all. NomadBSD boots and runs perfectly on my system out of the box. My system: Dell XPS 8100 with an i7 processor and 8 Gigs of memory, ATI video 6700, and HDMI sound.

Raymond, be aware there are some major changes in FreeBSD-RELEASE-13. As I understand it, GhostBSD is having some issues with it. I expect NomadBSD to also have issues to over-come with 13.

PC-BSD and Solaris 10 are wonderful operating systems and I used them both until their EOL. I will continue using NomadBSD as my daily driver because it works well on my system and I hope GhostBSD continues to work well on your computer.

Best wishes,

I donā€™t have ghostbsd. I have nomad installed on my hard drive.

I have upgraded (my self build/compiled) Nomad-12.1 to 12.2, with ā€œfreebsd-update upgrade -r 12.2-RELEASEā€, succesfully.
Note that this may require up to 500 MB of space in workdir.

You could of done it with freebsd-update fetch install. Freebsd 12.2-p4 is out.

No. With ā€œfetchā€ you get all available binary updates (based on the currently installed world) to update, lets say, from 12.2-p3 to 12.2-p4.
With ā€œupgradeā€ you get the necessary files for upgrading to a new and supported release. E. g. from 12.1 to 12.2.

It is freebsd-update fetch install. You can use the same

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This is just the a shorter form for

freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install

The latter, however, allows you to first check what would be changed, before you decide to install the patches.

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One line ā€œfreebsd-update fetch istallā€

Why prefer only the necessary updates and not all updates?
-do they break something?

and welcome on the forum :slight_smile: judging by the self-compiled Nomad install, youā€™re not that new to FreeBSDā€¦ though you are taking the wording in the man-page quite literally :wink:

My take:
In this day and age good IT-security means keeping all SW upto-date!

I wrote necessary files and not, necessary updates only.
I have done upgrade and updates. That means, I did ā€œupgrade -r 12.2-RELEASEā€, with everything that goes with it, rebooted and then I did ā€œfetch/installā€ (according to FreeBSD security advisories/errata notices).
:~ # freebsd-version -ukr

kudos for bothering with ā€˜friendlyā€™ teasing. my opinion is that the poster didnā€™t merit any friendliness.