FreeBSD 13.1


I was looking for a long time persistent live system and Nomad is very beautiful and practice.
Thanks to Nomad Teams for making this nice FreeBSD distro
I use it since a long time

I reinstalled NomadBSD to use lastest FreeBSD 13.1 on SSD disk 240GB because some of the upgraded packages are build for the kernel 1301000 and FreeBSD 13.0 has the kernel 1300139.
and FreeBSD 13.0 end-of-life

I installed NomadBSD 130R-20210508 and before freebsd-update I do
sudo sed -i.old ‘s/# BackupKernel yes/BackupKernel no/’ /etc/freebsd-update.conf
reboot…freebsd-update upgrade -r 13.1-RELEASE…

During upgrade I have disk-space on /ROOT/ but I continued

Actually NomadBSD is running and I can update packages but /dev/label/nomadroot and filesystem full are full

I can reinstall it to use lastest FreeBSD 13.1, do you have solution:

Thanks a lot

nomad@NomadBSD$ uname -a
FreeBSD NomadBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64

nomad@NomadBSD$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/label/nomadroot 3,4G 3,1G -16M 101% /
devfs 1,0K 1,0K 0B 100% /dev
tmpfs 10G 248M 9,7G 2% /tmp
tmpfs 9,7G 156K 9,7G 0% /var/log
procfs 4,0K 4,0K 0B 100% /proc
/dev/label/nomaddata.eli 231G 89G 124G 42% /data
/dev/md0.uzip 6,6G 6,0G 651M 90% /unionfs/usr/local
/dev/fuse 238G 96G 124G 44% /usr/local
/data/compat 231G 89G 124G 42% /compat
/data/var/tmp 231G 89G 124G 42% /var/tmp
/data/var/db 231G 89G 124G 42% /var/db
/data/usr/ports 231G 89G 124G 42% /usr/ports

nomad@NomadBSD$ dmesg | grep ‘filesystem full’
pid 2005 (avahi-daemon), uid 558 inumber 294147 on /: filesystem full
pid 2630 (pactl), uid 1001 inumber 294156 on /: filesystem full
pid 2614 (plank), uid 1001 inumber 357648 on /: filesystem full
pid 2614 (plank), uid 1001 inumber 357748 on /: filesystem full
pid 2614 (plank), uid 1001 inumber 357748 on /: filesystem full
pid 2614 (plank), uid 1001 inumber 293685 on /: filesystem full
pid 3633 (xfce4-screenshooter), uid 1001 inumber 358130 on /: filesystem full
pid 3633 (xfce4-screenshooter), uid 1001 inumber 358185 on /: filesystem full
pid 3633 (xfce4-screenshooter), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full
pid 3633 (xfce4-screenshooter), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full
pid 2614 (plank), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 358130 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 358130 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 358130 on /: filesystem full
pid 3652 (thunderbird), uid 1001 inumber 357762 on /: filesystem full