Disk encrypted OK on Live USB but not encrypted when installing on my Laptop


Really appreciating NomadBSD on Live USB.
Then I would like to proceed now a full installation on my Laptop…
I’ve install NomadBSD on my Laptop from my Live USB, everything is installed OK. But my Laptop has no disk encryption
I need to have encrypted disk but I can 't Imy NomadBSD Live USB is well encrypted ( checked OK with gnome-disk-utility & gparted on my RedHat RHEL 9.2 ).

Can you help me ?

Best regards

Not using Nomad at the moment, but the installer is designed to put a fresh copy onto your disk, so you will need to encrypt your disk yourself; I think, if you made a snapshot, it would install encrypted; at least, that’s the way things usually work.

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Thanks for Reply, the specificity of NomadBSD installer is that it clones your live USB except the User name then we have no option to encrypt as DragonFly BSD for instance.
NomadBSD installer is very very easy to use, very smart and safer but with less options than other standard installer…
Best Regards.

It is a very useful and powerful persistent LiveUSB … if you try it you will keep it forever :heart_eyes:

You don’t need to install anything and it can be encrypted but you can use it also to make a very rapid and very easy disk install… except for encryption …


I found a tricky and easy solution to encrypt NomadBSD’s to installation on DIsk

Ashamed but it works 100% perfect …
I use dd to … copy the nomadbsd-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img directly on my 500Go SSD as it was a live USB. Then I ask for Geli encryption, … It reboots and works perfect & with fully fully encrypted !
Brave + Widevine & all app are running OK.

I’m on gpt mode with SUSE SLED15sp4 encrypted on the second SSD then I just need to use F12 to start NomadBSD instead of SLED.

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I booted with my rescue Linux system “Gparted Live”, opened a terminal and did:
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda bs=1M && sync
That did the same and NomadBSD was cloned to my internal SSD with full encryption. Perfect.

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Perso I did it on a simpliest way :

I start directly on the nomadBSD Live USB if my computer has only 1 disk
I start directly on my computer if my computer has 2 disks

Whith my computers having only disk :

  1. I Start normally on my nomadBSD live USB
  2. I use the terminal to access to the USB key containing the image of nomadBSD previously downloaded ( wget "https://nomadbsd.org/download/nomadbsd-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img.lzma" )
  3. Then in root mode lzma -dk nomadBSD-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img.lzma -k as I want to keep the image
  4. Then I check name for the computer’s disk where I want nomadBSD to be installed geom disk list
  5. Then in root mode dd if=nomadBSD-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img of=/dev/myTarget_SSD_on_myComputer bs=2M oflag=sync status=progress; sleep 5 ; shutdown -p now ;

Whith my 2 others computers having 2 separates disks :

  1. I Start normally on my RedHat 9.2 or my SUSE distro 15.5 sp4,
  2. Then cd Downloads; mkdir nomadBSD_ISO_ ; cd nomadBSD_ISO_ ; wget "https://nomadbsd.org/download/nomadbsd-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img.lzma" --no-check-certificate; lzma -dk nomadBSD-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img.lzma ; lsblk | less ; dd if=nomadBSD-131R-20221130.amd64.ufs.img of=/dev/myTarget_second_SSD_on_myComputer bs=2M oflag=sync status=progress; sleep 5 ; reboot ;

And All is done that my third install eberything runs OK.
( I prefer using UFS )

Thanks for your answer,
This is also a usefull way to do the job…

/!\ If you have an idea for how to install on the same disk : encrypted Linux ( easy ) + encrypted nomadBSD ( not easy for me ) … It would be great ! ( I don’t need dualboot… uefi/boot from file is OK )

No success for the moment becoming creasy :crazy_face:

Best regards.